Here's how to set up additional price lists, specific to the jobs module in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

This can be utilized when a specific job(s) has a different price structure then the default price list.
To start search “Feature Management” and confirm that the New sales pricing experience is enabled.

Once above is confirmed, search “Jobs” and navigate to the Jobs List page and select the Job that requires the specific job pricing.
Alternatively, you can also search directly for “Sales Job Price List."

Once the job is open, select Navigate > Sales Price Lists

Continue by selecting “+ New”

The following page will open:

Code: This can be bypassed; it will default with the next available Job Price List number
Description: Choose what you would like to use
Assign-to Type: You have the option to apply to all jobs, a specific job or a specific task.
Assign-to No.: this is based on the above, because I selected Job, I will then select the specific job number
On the line level, you can choose the Product Type that you want to assign pricing to. This includes: Item, Item Discount Group, Resource, Resource Group, Service Cost, GL Account or (ALL).
Fill in the Product No. based on the correlating Product Type. If your Product Type is and Item, then you will enter the Item No. If your Product Type is a Resource, then you will fill in the Resource name.
Once completed, and all fields are populated with your desired results, you will need to change the status of the pricelist from Draft to Active.

Completed Pricelist below:

You will see your new Pricelist on the list page after exiting, confirm that it shows active.

If you are using Resources on your pricelist, you can assign multiple Resources to a Resource Group to efficiently add special pricing for labour/different labour categories.
In the search for field, enter “Resources Groups”

Create a new group by Selecting New > New

Create as many Resource Groups as required

Once the Resource Groups are created, open the Resource Card and assign the Resource Group No. to the Resource.

You can then assign Resource Groups on the Sales Price List.
For a step-by-step tutorial, check out our video tutorial below:
Training video: How to Set Up Additional Price Lists (Specific to the Jobs Module) in D365 Business Central
Get in touch with the team at Kwixand Solutions if you have any questions about setting up additional price lists or any other Dynamics 365 Business Central related enquiry. For more training videos, don't forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel