Here are ten features & improvements we’re excited about in the Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Release Wave 1.
Is your organization currently using Dynamics 365 Business Central? You’ll be pleased to hear about the new features and improvements that are now available as part of the 2023 release wave 1, with features being released from April 2023 through September 2023.
In this release wave, Microsoft focuses on improving the integration with Power Platform, improving the financial and supply chain capabilities of Business Central, adding governance and admin self-service features to make it easier to manage environments, improving the efficiency of collaborative business processes in Microsoft Teams, and whole lot more.
Here are some of the top features and capabilities you should know about.
⚙️ Easily set up and sync master data across companies
General availability: April 2023
With this new update, it is easier to move one company's setup and master data to another company in the same environment. It also lets you keep the data in the companies synchronized after the intital move.
Here are some of the new capabilities that were added to manage your master data:
Moving master data works when a company subscribes to data from another company.
You can define the tables and fields to synchronize. For more control over the synchronization, you can filter on table records.
Changes in the main company are immediately pulled to the receiving companies by the job queue.
Users in the receiving company can review synchronization logs.
This feature can be enabled from the 'Master Data Management Setup' page.
⚙️ New function to post multiple transfer orders at the same time
General availability: April 2023
Tired of posting individual transfer orders one at a time? There's a new feature out that allows you to select multiple non-posted documents and post them immediately or in a batch according to a set time or schedule, for example, at the end of the day to avoid system performance issues.
⚙️ New audit file export function eases SAF-T compliance
General availability: April 2023
Depending on your country or region, if your organization is required to report financial data and provide a set of SAF-T exports, this new extension makes it a lot easier to do so. The new 'Audit File Export' extension makes it easy to set up, generate, and export SAF-T in Business Central and also supports SIE formats. The extension provides the following capabilities:
Setup and mapping of the chart of accounts to SIE or SAF-T standard accounts.
Mapping VAT setup to SIE or SAF-T VAT/Tax codes.
Control to which extent dimensions are exported in SIE or SAF-T files.
Export of SIE or SAF-T files, either directly or by using the Job Queue.
Import SIE file format.
⚙️ Improved VAT functionality
General availability: May 2023
Business Central users in relevant regions will find they have improved VAT functionality with non-deductible and partly deductible VAT enabled. Businesses can calculate deductible and non-deductible VAT amounts in Business Central so it is not deducted for purchases under certain conditions:
The type of goods or services purchased. VAT is fully or partially non-deductible by the provision of the law on goods.
Partially deductible prorated VAT. VAT is prorated according to the ratio between sales operations for which VAT is owed and all operations performed. VAT exceeding this ratio can't be deducted.
You can configure deductions in VAT (percentage and G/L account) on the VAT Posting Setup page. You can configure full or partial deductions for combinations of VAT posting groups.
Before you post a document, the details are available in statistics. When you post a purchase document, the results are available on the G/L entries and VAT entries. Non-deductible VAT also works with Reverse Charge VAT and Deferrals.
⚙️ New statistical metrics to collect data for financial reports
General availability: April 2023
In addition to dimensions, your organization can now improve your analyses by using additional numerical data on your G/L data using Stasticial Accounts. When posting G/L transactions now, the statistical accounts feature lets you add a number-based statistical value to a seperate ledger. Here are some scenearios where you might want this additional information on reports:
Square meters in your building for tracking rental expenses
Number of full-time employees
Customers served for a given marketing spend
You can now register the values for the statistical account in Statistical Accounts Journals, and then find the values in the statistical accounts ledger entries page or by going to the ledger entries for an account from the Statistical Accounts list.
⚙️ New feature to reduce document number errors when you post item journals
General availability: April 2023
There is a new feature added called 'Renumber Document Numbers' that allows you to avoid and fix errors related to the order of document numbers before you post item journals. This action also works on filtered views.
⚙️ New function to preview item journals and documents before posting
General availability: April 2023
When you post item journals or other warehouse documents, you created different types of G/L entries in Business Central. The new 'Preview Posting' action helps you avoid errors by letting you review the types of entries that will be created when you post item journals or other documents before saving the changes to your database.
⚙️ New feature to analyze, group, and pivot data directly on list pages
General availability: To Be Announced
With this new capability, Business Central users will be able to analyze date from list pages directly - without having to open the page in Excel or run a report. You'll get a new way of interacting with data, by adding multiple tabs that represent different tasks or views on the data - for instance, 'Sales statistics' or 'customers'. Then you can switch to 'Analysis mode' on list pages to open up data in a new experience that's optimized for data analysis. You'll be able to interact, group, and pivot the data.
⚙️ New approval workflow experience in Power Automate
General availability: June 2023
With this update, it’s easier than ever to run document approval workflows using Power Automate. Users and decisions makers can use Power Automate to run approval and make use of the following new capabilities:
Define workflows tied to a selected Business Central environment and company
Approve documents using mobile devices
Approve documents using Microsoft Teams
Support a chain of approvers and additional input
⚙️ Ability to post adaptive card or link to a Business Central record using Power Automate
General availability: April 2023
With this new feature, you can now easily blend Power Automate flows into conversations in Microsoft Teams. There are 2 new actions available in the Business Central connector for Power Automate: "Get URL" and "Get Adaptive Card".
With the "Get URL" acation, it generates a web client URL to a record. This means it is now possible to send a clickable URL to a specific record in Business Central using Outlook or Microsoft Teams.
With the "Get Adaptive Card" action, it creates an adaptive card for a provided URL. This means if you want to post information and a link to a new sales order to an internal Teams channel, a rich card displaying the record will be available to view.
More Information About Business Central 2023 Release Wave 1
There are numerous other improvements and updates coming to D365 Business Central in this release wave that we didn't cover here, but you can view the complete list of planned features here.
Got questions about Dynamics 365 Business Central functionality or any of these new capabilities? Book a free consultation with a Business Central consultant at Kwixand Solutions.
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